Keynote on biochar as an additive in composting by M. Sánchez-Monedero
7 presentations on growing media and sustainable use of resources
Peat replacement by coir, wood fiber, compost or processed miscanthus straw
Social responsibility of the horticultural peat industry
North American Soilless Substrate Science
Workshop by The International Peatland Society (IPS): Environmental matters related to peatland extraction and the meaning of "Responsibly Produced Peat” (presentations and apanel discussion)
Workshop by The European Compost Network (ECN) and Growing Media Europe (GME): EU Fertilising Products Regulation and the opportunities and challenges to bring growing media and soil improvers on the European market (presentations and panel discussion)
EU Fertiliser Regulation - Requirements for Growing Media and Soil Improvers based on compost and digestate
Opportunities and challenges for the manufacturer of soil improver
Opportunities and challenges for the manufacturer of growing media
Conformity assessment procedures for waste derived organic materials under the new EU Fertiliser Regulation
Does the new EU Fertiliser Regulation really contribute to the EU Circular Economy?
The Industry and Policy Day is integrated into the GrowingMedia2021 Symposium. Please note that registration for the Industry and Policy Day is automatically included in the registration for the full GrowingMedia2021 Symposium. However, the Industry and Policy Day can also be attended separately from the Symposium, but registration is necessary through the following link: Choose ‘1-day Virtual Attendence at 26 August only’.